
The Journey Through The Decade


My name is Hare/Roxy Heather Data Picard Leverett Lucia John Gray Weaver.I am 25 Years old.I am Non-binary, The closest identifiers I've seemed to mesh with are Transandrogynous and Demi-Boy.My pronouns are They/She.I am Bi/Pansexual Greyromantic I have a preference for Men/MLM and I occasionally call myself a lesbian.If you are further right-wing than a communist I want nothing to do with you.and if you are an exclusionist I want you to get hit non-fatally by a car.I don't tolerate people who fuck animals or who are attracted to children, proshippers generally tend to code themselves to avoid admitting they wanna fuck kids so you can get bent if you call yourself one too.I don't have many triggers but one in particular are Cigarettes, I have unfollowed people for posting pictures of themselves using them.It's nothing personal. I'm sorry, It's an autistic trigger more than a traumatic one. I cannot stomach it.

Below are somewhat outdated Topsters of some of my favourite media. most are in no particular order.

Below not so much a favourite albums as much as a sampler of music taste

Extra media not on there: Homestuck, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai.
Below is a topster of my top kamen rider seaons that I've seen. followed by my rider tierlist (out of date but i changed pcs so i'd have to make the whole thing again)